Upgrading Secure Perfect 3.1 to Facility Commander 7.5
Always do backups with the mirco's Offline, so if the computer name changes the micro's can be assigned to the new name without going into SQL to fix.
Get the old SP# and/or the MAC address off the old Computer, so when it is licensed they can check the original number.
when upgrading the FC you maybe able to keep your old base attributes of SP3.1 or change to the Base Attributes of FC
SP-126 rdrs - 5 clients
FC-16 rdrs - 1 client - 16 cameras
Your service Agreement (AKA SSA) with GE may go up or down based on the attributes you pick.
Put micro's OOS, Backup old SP3.1 database, move it to the new PC.
Logged into the new PC with an ADMIN account. Install the FC installation DVD, it may need to reboot more then once.
Once the installation is done make the New Secure account an ADMIN account **important**
The Services are not set to auto, I would change them from manual to Auto.
create db
restore db
create db (( it will convert it from 3.1 ->7.5))
License FC - call ge 888-437-3287 5-license
Flash the micro's from within FC
When FC is installed is will create SP login to windows: secure pw=SecurityMaster08
It will not be a admin user, you will need to set the services to Auto for the restore to work.
you will need to be a admin to set the services to auto.
I would change the SQL sa login from SecurityMaster08 to master
Upgrade 3.1 -> FC 7.5
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