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i cannot communicate with the panel

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 8:40 am
by ennab1977

i have a fireworks version 1.41.00

I came to the site and there was no communication between the PC and the EST 3 panel

and i make sure the connection is ok as RS 232

Pin 2 of DB9 connects to Tx2 of panel

Pin 3 of DB9 connects to Rx2 of panel

Pin 5 of DB9 connects to COM2 of panel

What i found is the following:

1- As soon as i connect the RS232 cable on port 2 Common EST3 panel showing "Ground Fault"

This issue solved because there was a suppressor between the Communication Ground and the Earth were shorted at the EST3 CPU

2- The RS232 Chip in the PC was damaged even thought the PC running well and on the System configuration of XP windows shows is ok

i bought a PCI RS232 and configure it as COM 1 and disable the the OLD COM1 and configure it as COM2

3- The 3-RS232 Communication Card was damaged and the damage was on the supply of this card since the "ground fault" as mentioned in point 1, and the damage solved by changing DC/DC convertor* at the 3-RS232 card

*isolated DC/DC convertor ( converting from 24 vdc to 5 vdc )and the input of the DC/DC convertor was open however the output that provide 5VDC supply the RS232 chips of the Board.

After all these troubles were solved finally, the system worked for 18 hours as per the log file of FIREWORKS

Then the system disconnected again and theres no communication between the PC and EST 3 and the LCD shows

"Auxiliary Port 2 Trouble"

The setting of the RS232 at the PC as follow:

Baud rate increased from 9600 to 19200
2 stop bits
flow NONE

PLEASE HELP i am fed up !!!!! :<

Please Note i do not have an EST3 SDU software .

Also i don't know the version of the EST3 software ...