1 - Share all fc folders on client and server and check.
Check the shared files from the client to the server and server to client
to check: start->run \\servername the shared files will display
--check this with both SECURE and customers login, SECURE may work and the customers login may not
both the server and client need to be able to share folders and files.
from the server web browser type \\ClientName ( open ALL folders to insure access)
from the Client web browser type \\ServerName ( open ALL folders to insure access)
A page will open with the shared folders, if NOT call the admin guy, not your problem but it must work.
2 - add all users to the SPadmin group that will need to use FC
3 - Ping the Server IP address and the computer name. If the ip pings and the address does not you have a DNS problem. (this got me)
4 - Delete the client from FC, when client is registered it will add to FC
security configuration - from the server
security configuration - from client, it will not run from the client if the client is not registered.
FC - Client install Problems
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