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SuperDuct - Nuisance Alarm and Trouble Events

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 12:33 pm
by Leo
GE Security Field Notes FNN: 07020V
October 18, 2007

SuperDuct - Nuisance Alarm and Trouble Events

We have received a few reports of SuperDuct duct smoke detectors causing nuisance alarm and trouble events due to excessive condensation. This bulletin is to inform you of the issue and tell you how you can prevent it.

Upon investigation, we have found that this issue typically occurs in installations where the SuperDuct duct smoke detector is exposed to nonconditioned outside air. Nonconditioned outside air can enter underneath the detector’s cover and into the outer chamber. The temperature difference between the sampled air passing through the inner chamber and the outside air in the outer chamber can cause unwanted condensation to build up inside the detector housing and cause the detector to malfunction.

Our Engineering Department is working to solve this issue. In the mean time, if you have SuperDuct duct smoke detectors that are exposed to outside air and are experiencing this issue, please consider the following:
• For intelligent addressable systems, use the GSA-DH
• For conventional systems, use the MC30DU-3 detector and 6260A-CU housing