ONYXWorks - Echelon Hardware overview
Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:14 pm
ONYXWorks - Echelon Hardware overview (Network Devices)
The Echelon leaves the computer as a wired segment, the only device that connects directly the wired segment is a FTXC Transceiver. This is a small PCB that is mounted in NIONs, RoutMB, NCB-EL, NCB-IM, NCB-FL, 4WRMB and ECH-GW-PC-W.
The only jumper/settings is if it needs to be terminated.
How all the Network Devices are connected and used is the key to understanding Echelon.
List of Echelon Network Devices:
Echelon Gateway:
ECH-GW-PC-W, this Computer card is mounted in the PC, a FTXC is mounted on it, it's the first peice on the echelon.
NIONs - are the devices that connect the panels and inputs/outputs to the Echelon.
NION-232B - connects to all the old fire panels - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_7075.pdf
NION-NPB - Connect to the newer Notifier panels - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_6939.pdf
NION-2C8M - I/O board, 2 outputs, 8 inputs - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_7077.pdf
NION-16C48M - I/O board, 16 outputs, 48 inputs - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_6915.pdf
RoutMB - 2 Transceiver foot prints, will Regenerate the wire segment, can convert the echelon to and from wire and fiber.
NCB-IM - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to Copper lease lines (phone company wire)
NCB-EL - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to a Ethernet Network Connection (wired Ethernet)
NCB-FL - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to a fiber Ethernet Connection (Fiber Ethernet) NOT ONE USED THIS.
FTXC - Is a small board that converts the wired echelon segment so other network devices can be used on the echelon.
FOXC - Converts Fiber. two fibers in only, no out to the next FOXC
DFXC - Old fiber transceiver, they can not get the chip to make new ones, one fiber in and one fiber out to the next DFXC.
--IMPORTANT -- FOXC and DFXC are VERY Different, upgrading from a DFXC to FOXC will require a new fiber setup, big changes
4WMB - 4 Transceiver foot prints, Amplifies the signal, DOES NOT regenerate it. one transceiver in and three output. (ie 1 FTXC in and 3 FOXC out)
The Echelon leaves the computer as a wired segment, the only device that connects directly the wired segment is a FTXC Transceiver. This is a small PCB that is mounted in NIONs, RoutMB, NCB-EL, NCB-IM, NCB-FL, 4WRMB and ECH-GW-PC-W.
The only jumper/settings is if it needs to be terminated.
How all the Network Devices are connected and used is the key to understanding Echelon.
List of Echelon Network Devices:
Echelon Gateway:
ECH-GW-PC-W, this Computer card is mounted in the PC, a FTXC is mounted on it, it's the first peice on the echelon.
NIONs - are the devices that connect the panels and inputs/outputs to the Echelon.
NION-232B - connects to all the old fire panels - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_7075.pdf
NION-NPB - Connect to the newer Notifier panels - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_6939.pdf
NION-2C8M - I/O board, 2 outputs, 8 inputs - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_7077.pdf
NION-16C48M - I/O board, 16 outputs, 48 inputs - http://www.notifier.com/products/datasheets/DN_6915.pdf
RoutMB - 2 Transceiver foot prints, will Regenerate the wire segment, can convert the echelon to and from wire and fiber.
NCB-IM - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to Copper lease lines (phone company wire)
NCB-EL - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to a Ethernet Network Connection (wired Ethernet)
NCB-FL - 1 Transceiver, will convert the in coming echelon wire/fiber to a fiber Ethernet Connection (Fiber Ethernet) NOT ONE USED THIS.
FTXC - Is a small board that converts the wired echelon segment so other network devices can be used on the echelon.
FOXC - Converts Fiber. two fibers in only, no out to the next FOXC
DFXC - Old fiber transceiver, they can not get the chip to make new ones, one fiber in and one fiber out to the next DFXC.
--IMPORTANT -- FOXC and DFXC are VERY Different, upgrading from a DFXC to FOXC will require a new fiber setup, big changes
4WMB - 4 Transceiver foot prints, Amplifies the signal, DOES NOT regenerate it. one transceiver in and three output. (ie 1 FTXC in and 3 FOXC out)